The Shop

A quick look at the shop and the machines I use to manufacture some of my products.  
After running the business from my home workshop for several years I moved to this larger premises in the SE suburbs of Melbourne in 2012.

Maho MH 800 P universal NC mill. Made in Germany in 1980; the large table can be rotated 360 degrees and will tilt back and to either side up to 30 degrees off horizontal. The vertical head can be swung out of the way and there is a horizontal spindle with a quill housed in the ram. 

Burgmaster 6 station turret drill. Made in the USA in the 1970s; the head can be set for high or low range speed and each station has two speed settings. Used for drilling and tapping all the Diamond Tool Holder clamps and sharpening jigs.

Holbrook tool room lathe. Made in England  in the 1950s; used for smaller workshop repair jobs and fixture/jig making components.

Nichols Semi-auto production mill. Made in USA in 1970s. I have machined all the Diamond Tool Holder bodies and clamps on this machine since 2014.

Voest Radial Arm Drill. Made in Austria in 1970s. Eight speeds 20-3000rpm, head/arm rotates 360 degrees, 4x power feeds and 4 Morse taper spindle.